Criteria for Honors in Theatre Arts

There are four components in determining Honors for the Theatre Arts Major

Students MUST obtain the following two components:

  1. GPA of 3.5 in Theatre Arts courses.
  2. Excellence in overall performance, positive attitude, and overall contribution to the Theatre Arts program.


Student must obtain TWO of the following three components:

  • Honors on the optional Written Exam
  • Honors on the optional Oral Exam
  • Honors on the Theatre Arts SIP

Please Note: If a student chooses to do a non-theatre SIP, in order to be considered for departmental honors they must complete both the optional Written and Oral Exams, earning a grade of Honors on EACH exam.

Application Procedure

  1. The entire process is voluntary. It is only for students who intend to attempt the honors procedure. Students must notify the Dept. Chair or Senior Comps Coordinator that they intend to attempt the Honors procedure, and they must specify which component (written or oral) they choose to do first. This must be completed by noon on Thursday of Exam week in Winter Quarter so the faculty can determine Spring scheduling.
  2. Students write or present on the third play from their Senior Seminar Comprehensive Exam. Students shall work completely independently. The written exam or the oral presentation will be completed by Week 2 Friday of Spring Quarter. Students shall be informed of their grades on the written exam or oral presentation no later than Week 3 Friday of Spring Quarter.
  3. Students who choose to complete both the written exam and the oral presentation (e.g., perhaps a student did not receive an Honors grade on their SIP, or has not yet received a SIP grade) will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. Preferably students will have completed the entire honors process by Friday of Week 5 in Spring Quarter.