Major and Minor Requirements

Requirements For the Major In Theatre Arts

Number of Units

Ten units are required. Except for the dramatic literature courses for the theatre major must be taken on campus.

Required Courses

Foundations (Two units to be completed in first year):

  • THEA 110 Stagecraft
  • THEA 120 Fundamentals of Acting

Explorations (Four units to be completed, if possible, by end of second year):

  • One design course (to be completed by end of sophomore year) chosen from among:
    • THEA 210 Stage Lighting
    • THEA 230\RELG230 Dance, Drama, and Devotion in South Asia
    • THEA 235 Costuming & Stage Makeup
    • THEA 240 Scenic Design
  • Two theatre histories chosen from:
    • THEA 155 Introduction to African-American Theatre
    • THEA 215 Dramaturgy
    • THEA 270 Theatre of Illusionism
    • THEA 290 Asian Theatre
    • RELG 230 Dance, Drama, & Devotion in South Asia
  • One dramatic literature course chosen from:
    • ENGL 154 Reading the World: Global Stages
    • ENGL 264 Global Shakespeares
    • ENGL 265 Shakespeare
    • THEA 255 Playwriting

(Another option is that a third theatre history course may substitute for the one dramatic literature course. Appropriate courses taken at Study Abroad Centers may also be eligible.)

Connections (three units to be completed in junior and senior year):

  • THEA 380 Directing I
  • THEA 490 Senior Seminar
  • And at least one course chosen from among:
    • THEA 115 Community Dialogue Techniques
    • THEA 210 Stage Lighting
    • THEA 215 Dramaturgy
    • THEA 225 Developing a Character
    • THEA 235 Costuming & Stage Makeup
    • THEA 240 Scenic Design
    • THEA 305 Voice & Diction
    • THEA 420 Advanced Acting
    • THEA 445 Advanced Design
    • THEA 480 Advanced Directing

THEA 200 Production Practicum (one unit of four different 1/4 units)

Throughout their four years, theatre arts majors must distribute each 1/4 unit in a different area of production (acting, stage management, costuming, lighting, scenery, sound, properties, etc.) Non-majors are also encouraged to apply for this practicum and register for ¼ credit.  

The department believes strongly in the importance of interdisciplinary studies as a means of directly enriching a theatre focus and highly recommends cognate courses in the arts, literature, history, international area studies, writing, and women and gender studies. All majors and minors must complete one unit of THEA 200 as a graduation requirement, which is a regular part of their theatre production involvement. Please see the department faculty for specific instructions to complete the THEA 200 unit.

Requirements for the Minor in Theatre Arts

Number of Units

Six units are required.

All courses for the theatre minor must be taken on campus.

Required Courses

  • One unit of THEA 200 (see THEA 200 requirement for major)
  • One unit from each of the following areas:
    • Performance THEA 115, 120, 225, 305, 380, 420
    • Design/Technical THEA 110, 210, 235, 240
    • Theatre History THEA 155, 215, 230, 260, 270, 290, RELG 230


Any two additional units in theatre arts.

Students should meet with department faculty when selecting this minor.