Audition & Cast Information


by Sarah Ruhl

Directed by Ren Pruis

Performances will be March 27 through February 2, 2025 in the Nelda K. Balch Festival Playhouse.

Eurydice had its world premiere at Madison Repertory Theatre in Madison, Wisconsin in 2003, after which is was performed at Berkeley Repertory Theatre in 2004, and Yale Repertory Theatre in 2006, directed by Les Waters. It opened Off-Broadway at Second Stage Theater in 2007.


Auditions for Eurydice will take place during Week 1 of the Winter term. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, January 7, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, January 8, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Callbacks will be held on both Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at 8:00 p.m. A cast list will be posted in person and online later in the week.

All types of people are invited to audition, and a variety of experience is wanted (and any experience is not necessary!)

Scripts will be provided at auditions, and are available for review in the Production Office and by email request to

If you’re still interested in being a part of the play but not sure about acting, check out the production application page, where you can apply to be part of the backstage company for Eurydice, or for The String’s the Thing, which is May Moe Tun’s SIP production that will be performed on the Festival Playhouse stage March 14 and 15, 2025.


“Rhapsodically beautiful. A weird and wonderful new play – an inexpressibly moving theatrical fable about love, loss and the pleasures and pains of memory.”
– The New York Times

Eurydice reimagines the classic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice not through Orpheus’s infamous pilgrimage to retrieve his bride, but through the eyes of its heroine. Dying too young on her wedding day, Eurydice must journey to the underworld, where she reunites with her father and struggles to remember her lost love. With contemporary characters, plot twists, and a script written to be a playground for designers, the play is a fresh look at a timeless love story. 

EURYDICE is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel J. French, Inc.

Roles Included but Not Limited To:

  • Eurydice
  • Her Father
  • Orpheus
  • A Nasty Interesing Man/The Lord of The Underworld
  • A Chorus of Stones: Big Stone, Little Stone, Loud Stone

Non-Acting Opportunities

Students can work for pay by completing the blue form outside the main office (room 229) or for credit by completing the production application on this website, or using the paper application outside the main office (room 229).

How to get to The Playhouse for auditions:

1. The Playhouse is located near Dow Science Center on 129 Thompson St. As you face the Light Fine Arts Building, go to the left towards the Dow parking lot. The Playhouse is to the right of Dow Science Center on the far end of the parking lot. 

2. The Stage Manager will give you the paperwork you need to complete then direct you into The Playhouse for your audition. Please have your complete schedule available to reference when you arrive.

FAQs About Auditioning for Festival Playhouse

Do I have to be a Theatre Arts major or minor to audition?

No! In fact, we highly encourage involvement in different majors and activities outside of theatre. On average, up to 70% of students working on a Festival Playhouse show are not Theatre Arts majors or minors.

What other opportunities are there for students who are not cast or are not interested in auditioning?

Most production positions for any Festival Playhouse show are filled by students. We have student set/lighting designers, stage managers, assistant stage managers, light/sound board operators, spot light operators, wardrobe crew, props crew, dramaturgs, and more! Even if you are not cast in a show, you can always find a way to be involved!

When do we rehearse?

Our productions usually rehearse 5 nights per week 7pm-10pm, either Monday thru Friday or Sunday thru Thursday. Beginning two weeks from opening night ­ we extend another hour to 11pm. The tech weekend before the show opens is Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 11pm with a dinner break. This is a generic schedule, and it may vary with each individual director’s preferences.

Do I have to come to rehearsal every night?

It depends on the size of the role. Larger roles will be in rehearsal almost every night. Smaller roles may only be called 2-3 evenings per week and not necessarily the entire rehearsal.  Often, the entire cast is called every night the first week of rehearsal as we read through the play. No matter what the size of the role, however, everyone will be called every night for the full rehearsal period the last two weeks of rehearsal before opening night.

What if I have an evening class?

Every show and every director treats this differently, but a general rule of thumb is that if you clearly indicate the class on your audition sheet, if the director casts you, then they understand they will have to work around your class. The exception is always the last two weeks of rehearsal, though, when everyone is called every night. It’s up to you to negotiate with the professor.

What if I can’t get out of a class though?

The best thing to do is just audition and be very clear with the director about your schedule. We’ve always worked it out.

Won’t such a big time commitment affect my grades?

It might, but you should know that many, many students in the plays actually have a better GPA than those who are not! There is a culture of learning to manage time and taking pride in academic achievement that goes along with any artistic endeavor at K.

What about Monkapult?

Monkapult (the student comedy improv group) typically rehearses from 10-12pm. The only possible overlap of rehearsal is the last two weeks when we go to 11pm (usually not a problem since many Monkapult team members are also theatre students).

If I’m cast in a production, do I need to get stage makeup?

Yes! Lucky for you, we have this guide with resources on how to find and purchase your own makeup kit.

Further information will be posted for each play as it is available.

Welcome to Festival Playhouse! We’re glad you’re joining us!